The Angel Oracle text for YouTube.

23.02.2020 14:38
At the printing house: checking out the test pics on my Angel Oracle, 1994 in Finland. (Foto on foto.)
I just wanted to show you my ORIGINAL Angel Oracle-cards which I painted just for myself around the year 1993. I have laminated the cards to protect the aquarelle colors and the blingy details.
 I am not a professional photographer, I purposefully shift the cards so that you can see the different colors in the sunshine. -And YES, I should visit a nail technician...LOL. 
Finding the book from New York in 1992 was magical: I was looking for a book about handicrafts but I did not find any that would interest me. Just before leaving the bookstore I heard a strong inner voice of a man saying: "LOOK BEHIND YOU!" I turned around and saw the wall behind the cashier covered with the new book Ask Your Angels!! I bought the book immediately and was thrilled! That book would forever change my life for the better....
Making the cards was an assingment in GRACE-process to be a CO-CREATOR with angels / your Higher Mind / Inner Child. One famous psychic in Sweden told me that I should print the cards and I was a bit scared because I did not think that the cards were that nice, I made them only for myself.... 
-But I did contact Andrew Ramer in California, he who had channeled the oracle from his Angel Sargolais and he owns the copyright to the oracle. Mr Ramer gave his permission for me to use the oracle text which I have translated to finnish and swedish. 
The oracle method is amazing to me! I have used it since 1992 and it still surprises me. I use the oracle every morning. I combine it with pendulum and other symbolic cards I made. I even made a pendulum chart with the oracle! All this and meditation has helped me to understand how the Spirit works! 
The voice, the voice...who´s voice was that? I call him for "OFELAS", my pathfinder, my angel, my messenger, my cosmic guide. I received that name with my pendulum. 
I have some printed card decks left for sale at Tradera and I have to admit that the originals with the extra bling are much prettier, but one can allways bling the printed ones, too. -Just in case you do NOT want to make your own cards.
"If thine eye be single, thy body will be full of light" 
Master Jesus.