
UFO! What Did 100,000 People See In The Sky Above Fátima Portugal In 1917?

17.07.2019 14:54
    What Did 100 000 People See In The Sky Above Fátima Portugal In 1917?  I have a longer version of this excellent video, which cannot be found on Youtube anymore.   The Catholic Church has some explaining to do! What do they know? Why does the church have one of the...

Distanshealingtest Stockholm- Pune: utvärdering

17.07.2019 13:14
  Mari-Atons "Ofelas"energimedicin/distanshealing har testats av en känd forskare: Dr Thornton Streeter.  Dr Thornton Streeter, the Center for Biofield Sciences, är en engelsk forskare som studerar människans biofysiska energifält med direkt mätning och dokumentation av det...

HIV: läheltä liippas!

12.07.2019 13:36
    Minä nuorena tyttönä luulin, että minussa on joku seksuaalinen vika. Tunsin rakkautta, mutta en uskaltautunut antautua täysin "iloitsemiseen" ja siihen liittyviin hyväksi todettuihin ilmiöihin.   Sitten tapasin ruotsalaisen Jannen 1989, joka oli oman isänsä opettama ihana...


09.07.2019 10:22
Länk: CELESTIAL SONG: ANGEL OF THE EARTHA new joint project between composer Craig Pruess and animator and artist Jurgen Ziewe. This video will also be available as a Virtual Reality experience for the Oculus Rift shortly.The music compositions of Craig Pruess are based on inspiration gained during...


29.06.2019 06:33
  Dream interpretation & keeping a dream diary have been my hobbies since the beginning of the 80s.   About 12 years later I experienced an exhilarating spiritual opening when I was married and started a new meditation: Basic Grounding Meditation from the book Ask Your Angels which I...

Mind control & ANT crop circle; interpretation.

23.06.2019 17:14
Quetzalcoatl. The old Mayans predicted that their great god Quetzalcoatl would, after a long absence, come back in the new cycle due to begin in 2012.Mind control and prevention of enlightenment. Identity: iPhone(Steve Jobs died of cancer.)Ant Crop Circle:Sparticles Wood, Netherme-on-the-Hill,...


21.06.2019 09:38
21/6 2019Three U.S. senators received a closed-door Pentagon briefing yesterday about UFO sightings....READ MORECalled the '5 observables' by a former Pentagon investigator, they include hypersonic speed, erratic movement and the ability to fly without wings.READ MORE


17.06.2019 11:34
    Kun henkikeho on saastunut tai rikki henkiparasiittien tai muun stressin takia on seurauksena psyykkinen ja fyysinen epätasapaino.   Kaukoparannusta voi käyttää TUKIHOITONA henkilölle, joka HALUAA parantua. Sillä poistetaan heilurirukouksen avulla energiakentästä...

Enkelipuhelin toimii!

12.06.2019 15:03
  Syntymäpäivänäni 12. kesäkuuta 2019.   PÄIVÄN ENKELIORAAKKELI-KORTIT (The Angel Oracle / Ask Your Angels) Michael, tietoisuuden eri tasot Transformaatio enkeli, jotakin manifestoituu sinulle Ota rennosti, anna enkelten tehdä työt   Kurkkuchakrasta ja kuinka se on...

Cosmic contact! Massive UFO Sighting Over Colombia

01.06.2019 08:37
Great video:  Jump to 01:10 min.  Massive UFO Sighting Over Colombia ' Mysterious White Dots UFO In Sky I have seen this kind of "plasma dots" many times, because I have been looking into the skies since my childhood. I also have seen flocks of orange ones flying at extreme...
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