The near-death experience of Heidi Craig
26.05.2019 20:38
Don´t miss Heidi Craig´s story! Abused, highly sensitive woman married to a womanizer explains how she had a near-death experience while giving birth to her third child, and how the messages she received helped her practice faith and forgiveness. VIDEO
UFO Disclosure Has Already Happened | Lee Speigel video
20.05.2019 10:03
When the human animal´s conciousness rises from the animal kingdom-level (solar plexus) to the level of humanity (heart chakra) then the new form of communicating is being activated. It is called telepathy. We will simply just communicate with the Ets & Angels and the Universe in an honest way...
Thank You Sirians!
18.05.2019 14:15
Amazing information and healing can be received during and after "SIRIUS-meditation"Transmissions have sometimes been strange, not understandable codes which I have downloaded with the pendulum. One of the codes lead me (via Google) to LAXMAN INNERTAINMENT SYSTEM!!...
This man´s guardian angels inform him about extraterrestrials!
16.05.2019 19:03
VIDEO: Extraterrestrial Revelation & Disclosure ' Patrick De HaanPatrick´s angels have told him aboutlisten at 19:57SIRIANS -the blue ones :)Pleiadians Arcturians and beings from Canopus.These starbeings are the creators of the human DNA and act as protectors of...
Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact. Consciousness and the Human Future.
10.05.2019 12:12
CSETI is producing a new film on human initiated contacts with our extraterrestrial family. Here´s some info I received from CSETI."Some of the topics we will cover in the film:the connection between consciousness and space, time and matter.the nature of consciousness as an unbounded field of...
Mineralet med kristallverkan! Historien om Schindeles mineraler
20.04.2019 15:22
Mineralet med kristallverkan!En mycket viktig och värdefull info om Schindeles mineraler. Mineralet klassifieras som medicin i Österrike!Våren 1981 lät den österrikiske fanérfabrikören Robert Schindele bygga en ny skogsväg. I början på juli dammade det mycket vid grävningsarbetet. Dammet...
17.04.2019 13:59
EXPRESSEN LÖ 10 AUGUSTI 1996. Av Cecilia GustavssonPEACE IN MIND NYANDLIGHETENS MECKA. I dag tror fler svenskar på en livskraft eller ande än på Gud. För alla dessa nyandliga sökareär Peace in mind-festivalen i Stockholm ett Mecka.Här finns det ett gytter av upplevelser och prylar, som kan...
Aurafotot efter Jord-Kosmos-meditationen
02.04.2019 14:13
1995:Jag testade aurakameran på Peace in Mind-festival i Stockholm (Se broschyrbilden nedan.)Mannen med kameran sade att man kan se på bilderna vem praktiserar meditation, det kommer mycket vitt på bilden. (Det vita tolkas som Andlig energi.)OK! Jag ville få bevis.Aurafotot ovan togs direkt...
27.03.2019 09:24
The Angel Oracle is an inspiring system from "the Heavens"!
The Angel Oracle method has been channeled from the great Angel Sargolais by Andrew Ramer.
The oracle is 44 cards: 4 Archangels, 16 angels and 24 advice cards for psychic counceling and angel readings!
These cards are a...
OFELAS is on YouTube!
26.03.2019 18:39
Copy of the text from Youtube.
(No speaking on the video because the healing transmission test was on-going.)
Mari-Aton Jalkanens distant healing was filmed in 2006 with Polycontrast Interference Photography by...
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